Le rinde tributo a su mamá

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Agencias / De Peso

LONDRES, Inglaterra.- La vida de Rio Ferdinand ha sufrido un nuevo vuelco. Tras la trágica muerte de su mujer hace dos años, el exfutbolista inglés se ha despedido de su madre, que falleció a los 58 años víctima de un cáncer. El antiguo central del Manchester United ha querido despedirse a través de su cuenta de Instagram de Janice St. Fort, dedicándole un emotivo homenaje.

«No creo que sea suficiente pero solo quiero decirte gracias«, comienza Ferdinand su post acompañado con una foto del excentral cuando aún militaba en las filas del United y con su madre sosteniendo la medalla que le acreditaba como campeón de la Premier League.

«La capacidad que tuviste para hacerme sentir querido en cada momento de mi vida sin la necesidad de decirlo o el estar siempre a mi lado nunca lo olvidaré. Eras una luchadora, una pequeña luchadora pero con un gran corazón», ha recordado el ahora comentarista de la Premier League.

«Ahora estoy aquí sentado pensando y lo único negativo que se me ocurre es que hablabas demasiado tiempo por teléfono. Diste toda tu vida para asegurarte de que todo estaba bien en la vida de mis hermanos, hermanas, nietos, tu marido y yo», ha comentado Ferdinand en la carta dedicada a su madre, a la que llama «mi luz brillante» y a la que agradece el apoyo durante sus momentos más complicados.

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Mummy It won't ever be enough but I just want to say thanks, a really big thank you. The ability you had to make me feel loved at every moment in my life without even having to say it or be there by my side will never be forgotten. You were a fighter, a little fighter but with a huge heart. And you wore that heart on your sleeve throughout. All I ever wanted in life from as young as I can remember was to make you proud and I know I must of got somewhere near to doing that…. because your chest was puffed out as big as anyone's whenever my name was mentioned or when you was in a stadium watching me play… I can just hear/see you now "what did you say, oh ok…that's my son…"!!! You were fiery, you were protective, you was soft & hard faced when need be… you loved hard, you disciplined me, you were a grafter & you were my everything. I sit here now thinking & the only negative I can think of is that you talked for too long on the phone!! You gave all of your life to make sure everything was ok for myself, my brothers, sister, your grandchildren & husband Peter (never mind the countless friends & family too). At my most difficult time, you were my shining light & made it your mission to be there for me & my kids… trust me that will never forgotten. From school runs to homework to making them smile… to starting horse riding lessons….they will always remember. You are the most selfless & giving person I have ever known which came from a genuine place of love. The way you have touched so many people's hearts will live on and will be the way many will remember you mum. You were an inspirational person in so many ways, one day I will be able to tell you them all face to face. Love you mummy Rio x

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